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Panoramic wallpaper for children

Panoramic wallpapers are in place. After being installed in our bedroom, our living room, our kitchen, our bathrooms and even our corridors, the wall tapestry invites itself into the room of our toddlers.

The tendency of children's bedroom wallpaper is in full swing. Big subject of decoration, a mini competition even sets up with school mothers, to find out who will find the most wonderful wallpaper for her child.

We are lucky, brands have understood this by the way: children's wallpaper is super important! Between colors, shapes, and originality, the choice of wallpapers for children have enough to turn our heads.

There is something for everyone, and all colors.

First, think security

A healthy wall covering, kids-friendly

We may not ask ourselves the question, because it does not come to mind automatically, but all the objects of our daily life can be harmful to our health. It is essential to look at the characteristics of the panoramic wallpaper that you will choose for your child's room. The wall covering in question will be posed for several years, It is then important to choose healthy equipment, without composition and chemical particles, so that preserving the health of your little one. Let’s not forget that a child can touch, kiss, stick to the wall, for no reason, and he will breathe the air of his room daily.


We advise you to choose an unstained wallpaper, which is made up of natural wood fibers. Afterwards, You have to ensure that the wallpaper is without VOCs and PVC, to avoid plastic particles in the air but also to the touch. It is important to inquire so as not to be mistaken, and to choose a quality wallpaper. As a bonus, high -quality wallpaper will resist over time. 😊  

Multitudes of colors and wallpaper patterns

The choice of panoramic wallpaper for children is huge. How to make the right choice? Find the right shape, the right color, the good atmosphere ... it's more complicated than it seems!

Children's room plays more roles

Keep in mind that a child's room is multi-very: The child plays, sleeps, learns in his place that he considers his refuge. It will then be necessary to find him a tailor -made wallpaper which resembles his personality, in agreement obviously with his age.


To find the right wall to line, ask yourself the right questions. Do you want to dress the general atmosphere or highlight a specific place?


For the general atmosphere, choose a whole section of wall. Prefer a large wall, in order to make the most of the beauty that can bring a panoramic wallpaper. Who knows, you may choose a game wallpaper, where your child will love to get lost. 😉

To highlight a place and/or delimit a space, Like its playing area, office or dodo, you can only line a few injuries, the place concerned. We advise you if it is in an angle to make the return, you will see, you will gain in perspective.  

A soft and soothing wallpaper

At birth, your baby needs calm and serenity. This little being, who came to the world recently is constantly developing, for several months (see years). All parts of his body grow, evolve ... These senses, smell, vision, colors ...

Dress and decorate your room carefully helps it awaken and find its soothing balance!

In order to appease your child, We advise you to choose a panoramic wallpaper with soft colors and delicate shapes.

For the wall that will accommodate your wall decoration, you can choose the wall behind its cradle for example, as soon as it is lying or storing in his bed, it can marvel at the beauty of colors and shapes.

Teach your child the concept of investment and work

When tastes and colors start to assert themselves, you can get into a more pep’s decoration. We totally forget the kitsch side that the wallpaper had, now, it's super trendy. So dare, and please your child. QUoi better than choosing his wallpaper together, to invest it and teach him to make choices, but also to make small DIY work. By involving it, the choice and the installation of the wallpaper will become fun.

More marked panoramic wallpaper for enthusiasts

Growing up, our children are full of life: dynamic, they are moving, create extraordinary stories and adventures. And that's when you can have fun! All universes are represented by panoramic wallpapers: future firefighter, doctor? Future driver/trice of devices, plane pilot? Fan of animals? In short, all passions can be linen. What happiness!

Children's wallpapers have the coast!

Our children all have a common passion: animals. Faithful, listening, empathetic, tender ... Our children have eyes only for them. We have to admit it too, but animals are so cute and crisp! Besides, do not be surprised if having a pet has become their main priority. Choosing an animal wallpaper for children is therefore clearly a safe bet. All that remains is to find the perfect animal to fulfill this role. We are counting on you, you know your child and their tastes. If you have a little doubt, take a look in your plush trunk. 😉

About Us...

At MuralConcept, it is important to us that all our products can adapt to everyone. This is why, all our panoramic wallpapers are suitable for a child or baby room, because our manufacture is:

→ Respectful of the interior environment. Our introved wallpapers do not emit nano-participants in the air. Our wall decorations are classified A+

→ The inks are water -based. We refuse to print with solvents or other chemicals

→ Our wallpapers can be washed out, with a slightly humid microfiber or sponge

→ We guarantee smell without smell, VOC and solvent without solvents.



If you want to have details on our products Contact our customer service.